Saturday, February 2, 2008

Ch- Ch- Changes

This blog is getting a facelift.

Somewhere along the way I lost my focus for what this blog was supposed to be about. That, combined with lack of time during a busy show season, and an absolutely horrific bout of seasonal depression during the darkest days of the year, add up to very little to blog about.

I have already removed a mess of links that served little purpose and a few posts that did about the same. In time I'll remove this too but I thought I'd let you know I'm still here, and I haven't abandoned the project.

There are exciting changes on the horizon for the store website as well, but that's all top secret until the changes are finished.

NEW!! As of 6 p.m. ;)
I won't admit how long it took me to figure out, but I've just added a new function to the blog! To the right you will find a link for an amazon store where I will be able to share all of my favorite resources with you.

Currently I have a few childrens book selections and hip scarves from Tahirs Tent.

Friday, July 13, 2007

What goes *on* your skin goes *in* your body.

Just real quick post today. I know I haven't been keeping anyone up to date. I've been caught in such a whirlwind of activity I'm actually looking forward to the downtime fall and winter provide. I plan to post a brief on whats been keeping me so busy, but I'm not sure when I'll be able to get to that.

Anyway, I came across this article this morning and it backs (toward the end) how I feel about titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, and why I won't use them in my products. Of course others are free to, but I'd rather not give my customers cancer. ;)


So what does all of this have to do with sunscreen? Most sunscreen products that contain titanium dioxide or zinc oxide contain nanoparticles of these ingredients. Consumer Reports found only one product, Key Solar Rx that disclosed its use of nanotechnology.

“Nanoparticles of the two compounds are used in sunscreens because the normally white substances, which absorb ultraviolet radiation, become more transparent when the particles are nano-sized. We asked an outside lab to test for those nanoparticles in eight sunscreens that listed either compound on their label. …

Lab studies indicate that both of those nanoingredients create free radicals that damage the DNA of cells and possibly cause other harm as well. And even low exposure to nanoparticles of titanium dioxide can damage the lungs of animals if inhaled.

But whether those particles in sunscreens pose direct health risks to humans depends mainly on whether they penetrate the protective outer layers of dead skin. Studies suggest they don’t reach live tissue under normal circumstances. But it’s not known whether skin damaged by acne, eczema, sunburn, or nicks from shaving is more vulnerable to penetration, says Kristen Kulinowski, director of the International Council on Nanotechnology, which promotes responsible development of nanotech. And studies of other nanoparticles show they can penetrate the outer skin layers through the hair follicles or when the skin is repeatedly stretched.” 3

*end snip*


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

A Farmgirl's Wednesday

I am sitting outside at one of our picnic benches placed around the yard (I have to stay relatively close to the airport in the house to still have internet) and I am listening to more bird song than I can identify.

The air smells fresh and fragrant with the apple trees in bloom carried on the breeze. My mother’s house today smelled of lilac and it only took a quick glance through a back kitchen window to see my grandmothers stand of lilac bushes in bloom. I really must bring some of those here.

As I've sat and worked, the full strength of day has given to evening and the sounds of birds have been replaced by the sounds of the river. Frogs are crooning, a beaver splashes in the water, ringneck teals fly in to settle for the night and the goats are wandering closer and closer to the house for an evening scritch or maybe just a taste of my apple.

I began the violet harvest today with the youngest daughter. Her little fingers are perfectly suited to such a delicate task. Her pail was full before mine. I was bit by some stinging nettle, which slowed me down, but reminded me as I reached for the right leaf to rub on it that I need to harvest this obnoxious herb as well. I guess I know what my project is for tomorrow.